Thursday, September 06, 2007

Grade One

Well, Rachael has her real class now. Her teacher is Mme Lageaux, the same teacher she had the first couple of days of school, so that's nice. She's in a 1/2 split class - and there are only 5 grade 1's!!! I thought only 8 kindergarten kids in the k/1 last year was pretty small, but 5??? I guess that's just how the class sizes split up. I think they took the top 5 students and stuck them in with the grade 2's. Of course, I'm saying that because Rachael is stinking smart, but I think at least 3 of the other kids did really well in kindergarten last year, too. So far the days aren't too long for her. She said today felt like only a half day, so that's a good sign. Learning a new language can be tiring! But, so far so good!

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